OpenNTF - March OpenNTF Webinar: Domino Security - Not knowing is not an option  

By OpenNTF | 3/6/24 4:57 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Domino is secure, right? Well, kind of. But it is far from optimal in a default install, especially HTTP. DCT used to help, and currently DLAU is trying to be helpful in that area, but not knowing is not an option. HCL is constantly adding new security features, but are you aware of them? Are you using them? In this webinar you'll find practical, no-nonsense tips and tricks to further secure your Domino environment.

Announcing the OpenNTF Repair Café  

By OpenNTF | 12/28/22 5:22 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

For years people have come to chat rooms hosted by OpenNTF to ask questions, share their knowledge and learn. OpenNTF is now extending that idea into a live, face-to-face meeting place every month to join and help each other: The OpenNTF Repair Café. It’s all about repairing things together.

OpenNTF - May OpenNTF Webinar: Using The New Domino One-Touch Setup  

By OpenNTF | 5/12/22 12:49 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Previous versions of HCL Domino required multiple steps to set up a Domino server. Now with Domino 12 you can use the new One Touch Domino Setup to set up a server in a single click. Roberto Boccadoro will demonstrate how to use this feature to set up a Domino server on Windows.

The OpenNTF Presentation Project - here we go!  

By OpenNTF | 3/23/22 5:09 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Back in 2021 there was a question in the community about where to find old Lotusphere presentations, and one of the comments at the time was that it would be cool if OpenNTF hosted those presentations. We made note of it at the time, and have done some research specific to copyrights. We’ve also expanded our thinking beyond Lotusphere! We would like to call on the community to join us and build an app that will host presentations on OpenNTF. They may be file attachments, or links to presentations that have been posted elsewhere, including your own blog if you like.

OpenNTF 20th Anniversary Celebration - Dec 14  

By OpenNTF | 11/16/21 12:01 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

In December of 2001, Nathan Freeman and Bruce Elgort came together to create an open source community for Lotus Notes. 20 years later we are still serving the open source community around the HCL Digital Solutions portfolio of products.

November OpenNTF Webinar - Gurupalooza!  

By OpenNTF | 10/29/21 9:48 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

OpenNTF is reviving a very popular session from Lotuspheres of the past: Gurupalooza! Got a question about Domino, Notes, Sametime or Connections? Come ask the gurus! We have gathered the brightest minds to take your questions about development and administration. You can ask your questions ahead of time if you like, using this page or ask live during the webinar.

Announcing the OpenNTF Board of Directors for 2021-2022  

By OpenNTF | 10/5/21 6:11 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

We are pleased to announce the new OpenNTF board. The new board will take up their positions on 1st October, and will elect the Chairman, Treasurer and Secretary positions for the coming year on 15th October.

OpenNTF October Webinar - What We Like About Domino/Notes 12  

By OpenNTF | 10/4/21 1:31 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

In this webinar OpenNTF members will discuss the Domino/Notes 12 features they like and suggest for everyone to check out! Time-based One-time Authentication (TOTP) - Domino OSGI Tasklet Service (DOTS) - One Touch Setup for Domino

Call for nomination for OpenNTF Board Members  

By OpenNTF | 9/6/21 3:17 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

It's the time of year when elections are opening for the OpenNTF board. We have five Member Directors up for election this year. Anyone interested in standing submit their names and a candidate statement to ip-manager at

OpenNTF August Webinar - Git and GitHub Explained  

By OpenNTF | 8/6/21 8:51 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

When OpenNTF began in 2001, source control was little known and sharing of code via the cloud was limited. Fast forward 20 years and GitHub is the dominant sharing site and git the standard technology for source control.

Remembering Nathan T. Freeman - Friday, April 16 at 1:00 PM EDT  

By OpenNTF | 4/13/21 10:29 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

We will host an open GoToMeeting for everyone in the Community to join and share their memories of Nathan, this coming Friday, from 1:00 - 2:00 PM EDT. You may use this link to join the meeting:

R.I.P. Nathan  

By OpenNTF | 4/12/21 3:44 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Today, we have lost our Co-Founder Nathan T. Freeman. Nathan was a fighter, an inspiration and a visionary. As one of the Founders of OpenNTF, he had a huge influence of how and what OpenNTF has become. Beside his contribution as a leader, he has also done the hard work of contributing code. Code that will be a part of his legacy to us. He had always a strong opinion and therefore also strong arguments. Disussions with him where always fun and intens at the same time.

OpenNTF February Webinar: Introduction to Ansible for Newbies  

By OpenNTF | 2/8/21 1:55 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

This talk is for Domino admins and developers who would like to learn Ansible basics. Ansible is an automation engine to automate deployments. HCL provides a set of Ansible playbooks and roles to deploy a complete HCL Connections 7 environment. Come learn what Ansible is and why you should use it in this webinar.

OpenNTF January Webinar: 4D - Domino Docker Deep Dive  

By OpenNTF | 1/7/21 11:13 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

This talk is for Domino admins and developers who would like to leverage containerization and want to get started navigating this jungle of technologies. Docker, Podman, Kubernetes, OpenShift, and more - we're going to explain when to use which platform and how to automate your deployments.

Join OpenNTF on Dec 22 for One of Three Community Holiday Happy Hours  

By OpenNTF | 12/9/20 3:46 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

We would like you to come together to celebrate our community in a year where there has been very little opportunity to enjoy a drink together face to face as we are used to doing. We think our community is really a very special group of friends and colleagues, so join us, be you a customer, a partner, a vendor, an HCLer, or a former member of the community. Everyone is welcome!

OpenNTF July Webinar: Hear the Latest from the User Groups!  

By OpenNTF | 7/15/20 2:03 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

The OpenNTF Webinar series continues in July. Join us to hear from the organizers of many of the user groups that take place all over the world. This fast paced webinar will include what all the user groups have been doing and what their future plans are in this COVID world.

WEBINAR: Spotlight on OpenNTF Projects - Make The Most of Domino  

By OpenNTF | 5/4/20 10:38 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Come join us and learn how OpenNTF projects can maximize Domino in your organization. In this webinar we will spotlight several popular projects. Whether you are a developer, admininstrator or manager you will see how these projects can maximize your return on your Domino investment.

Welcome, new curators!  

By OpenNTF | 2/16/20 7:54 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

When I posted the „help wanted“ call for new curators last week I never expected this great feedback. Within less than 24 hours I was offered help from 5 people of our community.

CollaborationToday Needs You  

By OpenNTF | 2/10/20 12:54 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Collaboration Today, the news aggregator around anything HCL related content (fka IBM), social business, collaboration and community events needs your support: we are looking for curators to moderate content, blog posts and news around our beloved platforms like Domino, Connections, Sametime, DX and other products from HCL.

Preparing for the Future of OpenNTF  

By OpenNTF | 1/21/20 1:22 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

OpenNTF has grown organically for nearly twenty years. In that time, we have accumulated a lot of projects and a lot of entries in our directory. Just as the platform and the types of projects have evolved over that time, so have our members. Usernames are tied tightly to email addresses, meaning if people move company they accumulate logins.

OpenNTF - Announcing the New Board of Directors  

By OpenNTF | 9/28/19 4:50 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

It's a pleasure to announce the new OpenNTF board. We already have five Member Directors who still have one year left on their tenure:

Call for Nominations for OpenNTF Board of Directors  

By OpenNTF | 9/6/19 12:52 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by John Oldenburger

With Social Connections just around the corner and the Collabsphere agenda recently announced, it's the time of year when we issue our call for directors. There are four Member Director posts up for election this year. Any employee of a Member company is eligible to apply and the posts run for a two-year term.

Collabsphere 2019 Beauty Contest  

By OpenNTF | 7/10/19 8:53 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by John Oldenburger

Yesterday Richard Moy announced a new contest to provide a modern user experience for DMA to a traditional Notes template. After contest in recent years for Connections Customizer and XPages, now is the right time to engage with LotusScript and Formula Language developers and re-energise that community around open source.

OpenNTF at Engage  

By OpenNTF | 5/3/19 6:02 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

It‘s probably fitting thatI’m writing a blog post about Engage sat in a coffee shop, on my iPad, using Domino Mobile Apps. The last year has brought the product a long way and one of the most significant new projects has been Theo Heselmans’ Wine App. Admittedly the OpenNTF Blog database is unchanged from the desktop version, but it’s probably only going to be seen by a handful of people, so investment is less beneficial.

Request for CollaborationToday Curators  

By OpenNTF | 1/24/19 10:12 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

CollaborationToday has become a key place to stay updated on all ICS platforms. In an exciting year for Domino, Connections and Portal we would like to expand the small team currently curating blog posts. We want to make sure posts are specifically relevant to our community and provide best value to those using the site. The effort required is minimal, reviewing and creating an entry with brief details and publishing.

New Channels on OpenNTF Slack  

By OpenNTF | 1/18/19 2:09 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Following this week's announcement about the end of Watson Workspace, the various members of the community asked for channels relating to IBM Collaboration Solutions / Collaborative Workflow Platforms technologies to be set up in OpenNTF Slack community. So following consultation we have channels for Connections on premises, Connections Cloud, Sametime, Domino admin, Domino dev and IBM Domino Mobile Apps.

OpenNTF at Engage and Contributors  

By OpenNTF | 6/6/18 9:48 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Last month the Paul, Christian, Serdar, Nina, Martin and Nathan represented the board of OpenNTF at Engage. Unfortunately Nathan wasn't in the photo. But it was a good opportunity for us to meet up as well as catch up with both IBM and HCL.

Congratulations, Paul Withers!  

By OpenNTF | 3/21/18 5:48 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

With great pleasure, the OpenNTF board likes to announce the latest achievement of one of our board members, Paul Withers, who was awarded the IBM Lifetime Champion on last Sunday at the IBM Think conference in Las Vegas!

OpenNTF Board of Directors  

By OpenNTF | 9/28/17 1:39 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

The new OpenNTF board has been elected by acclamation.

OpenNTF Board of Directors - Call for Nominations  

By OpenNTF | 8/24/17 7:04 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

It's the time of year when we invite anyone interested in participating in OpenNTF's Board of Directors to submit their names to ip-manager at Employees of member organizations may be nominated as a Member Director – with a two-year term. There are four such board positions open for election. Contributors may be nominated as a Contributor Director – with a one year term. There are three such board positions open for election.