Announcing Open Mic with the HCL Developers - A New Monthly Series  

By OpenNTF | 1/8/25 12:25 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

OpenNTF and HCL announce a new initiative aimed at improving the collaboration between our community and HCL and at giving feedback on their products. Each month, we will host an “Open Mic” session with experts, developers, and PMs from HCL, and everyone will be invited to ask questions on a specific topic for that month. This is an occasion to get in touch directly with the people who build the product and provide answers to your most challenging questions.

Engage 2024 – Some random reflections  

By Roberto Boccadoro | 5/3/24 6:43 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

This time it was the Handelsbeurs, the old stock exchange. Is a Gothic building, really extraordinary. I did not take pictures, but my good friend Hogne Bo Pettersen did and on the Engage website you will find a link to his great job and pictures taken by others. He told me “it doesn’t happen every day that you can take a picture of a speaker with the background from Game of Thrones”. This should give you an idea of the location we were.

My thoughts on Engage 2024  

By Martijn de Jong | 5/3/24 6:42 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Last week was the HCL user group event Engage in Antwerp, Belgium. It’s one of my favourite events. It’s meticulously organized by Theo Heselmans, who this year organized Engage and its predecessor, BLUG, for the 15th time. As he announced last year in Amsterdam, it was also the last time that he would organize this event, and it’s therefore logical that this fact played an important role during the event.

Engage 2024. Thanks Theo. Wellcome Kris & Tom  

By Javier Sánchez Oliva | 4/30/24 2:13 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

One more Engage. And this year had been a really special one. The great Theo Heselmans leave the Engage board. This was his last engage as organicer, celebrated on the beauty “Handelsbeurs” building with the usual quality of the Engage brand.

Every Time I Think I’m Out, They Pull Me Back In – The Domino Elf  

By Hogne B. Pettersen | 4/29/24 2:03 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

I attended the Engage user group conference for the first time since 2022 this week. This time I thought I was only going down there to shoot photos and say thank you to Theo Heselmans, who after 15 years is stepping down as leader for my favorite conference.

Engage 2024  

By Heiko Voigt | 4/25/24 12:37 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

So eventually it's over. Engage 2024 is already history but boy what a great conference it was. In his last time as event maestro for engage, Theo Heselmans outdid himself once more with a breathtaking venue - the Handelsbeurs in Antwerp. What a location, what a venue, what an event - organisation and logistics have been perfect as always with Theo's events.

Engage 2024  

By Paul Withers | 4/10/24 1:00 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Later this month I will be attending Engage 2024. It will be a bittersweet experience. Engage was the first conference at which I spoke, a session that was way ahead of its time, highlighting the power of repeat controls in XPages and advocating against using View Panels. Ironically, at Engage this year, one of the sessions I’ll be delivering has some similarities. But I’ll cover the sessions I’m involved in chronologically.

OpenNTF - March OpenNTF Webinar: Domino Security - Not knowing is not an option  

By OpenNTF | 3/6/24 4:57 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Domino is secure, right? Well, kind of. But it is far from optimal in a default install, especially HTTP. DCT used to help, and currently DLAU is trying to be helpful in that area, but not knowing is not an option. HCL is constantly adding new security features, but are you aware of them? Are you using them? In this webinar you'll find practical, no-nonsense tips and tricks to further secure your Domino environment.

Get prepared for Notes/Domino V14 Early Access Code Drop 1  

By Daniel Nashed | 5/26/23 9:32 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

You can get hands on experience with Notes/Domino V14 end of this month. Here are some tips to get prepared. All of the software is only intended for non-production use! So you should prepare a VM to get started. But you should really take a look and have a try. Specially for business partners this is a call for action to test their applications with the updated back-end components. As announced earlier Notes/Domino moved to up to date compilers and a newer Java version. Also the client is 64bit only. I hope to see many of you in the EAP forum or at DNUG conference face to face.

Announcing the HCL Ambassador Class of 2023  

By HCLSoftware | 2/8/23 1:21 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Wannes Rams

HCL Digital Solutions is proud to highlight recipients of the much-anticipated HCL Ambassador Class of 2023 award! Congratulations!

Submit a session proposal for Engage - time is running out!  

By Heiko Voigt | 1/20/23 4:53 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

I already did but for those of you out there still thinking about it - Theo asked for more proposals so don't wait too long - you can submit speaking propsosals until January 31st with this link.

2022 in review and what's to come in 2023  

By Heiko Voigt | 1/4/23 4:36 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

In resemblance to the song "sixteen tons", this altered first line of the chorus is not what my 2022 looked like at all. Sure enough it was a busy year - more busy than the most previous ones, and my daily struggle between family time, work and off-time projects got into a new dimension.

Announcing the OpenNTF Repair Café  

By OpenNTF | 12/28/22 5:22 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

For years people have come to chat rooms hosted by OpenNTF to ask questions, share their knowledge and learn. OpenNTF is now extending that idea into a live, face-to-face meeting place every month to join and help each other: The OpenNTF Repair Café. It’s all about repairing things together.

HCL Domino Christmas Calendar App stimulates festive mood at the office  

By Soehnke Grams | 12/5/22 11:21 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

It is that time of the year again. December has arrived and, with it, the Christmas countdown has started. Much has changed in the world in the last years but some things stay the same. For the CEIR team at the University of Koblenz, the Domino Christmas Calendar App makes sure that the festive season is not forgotten.

HCL Domino 12.0.2, Engage 2022 and HCL Factory tour Milan  

By Martin Pradny | 11/20/22 7:38 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

I haven't published my recap after Engage this year and the recent HCL Factory tour in Milan is a great opportunity to write a summary about what's happening in HCL (mostly Domino) space. It's a mix of news about 12.0.2, future directions, and my impressions, so it can be a bit chaotic, but I got the impression that many people see it similarly.

Do you have any suggestions for OpenNTF ?   

By Roberto Boccadoro | 10/28/22 12:23 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

AS probably you know OpenNTF has a Discord server, that everyone can join, where there are several “channels” (I know that the term is not correct) in which people can talk about specific topics. We have just added one, “#suggestion-box” where everyone is encouraged to go if they have any idea on what OpenNTF should do.

Call for abstracts is open, speak at Let’sConnect 2022 in Cologne – Let's Connect  

By Let's Connect user group | 8/23/22 12:03 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Martin Pradny

We have opened our call for abstracts for Let’sConnect 2022 in Cologne, Germany on October 25 – 26.

Let’sConnect is back, join us on October 25 – 26 in Cologne – Let's Connect  

By Let's Connect user group | 8/23/22 11:33 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Martin Pradny

After a couple of virtual events, we are very excited to be back with a face to face live event in Cologne on October 26. Join us for a day to hear all the news on Connections from HCL, partners and customers! On October 26, our agenda will be loaded with sessions. Listen to customers using the products on how they use, adopt, measure, … Listen to HCL updating you on what is coming right now and in later versions. Meet with the Product Management team. Listen to partners and HCL developers talking in depth technical about installation, configuration, maintenance … Last but not least, we will host 2 workshops on the afternoon of October 25.

Let’s Connect interviews at SUTOL  

By Jan Valdman | 6/16/22 2:33 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Matteo Bisi

Our series of interviews with HCL executives continued a week later during Czech Lotus user group gathering in Prague. This time I had an opportunity to talk with Richard Jefts regarding HCL Digital Solutions strategy and innovation and with Luis Guirigay regarding the upcoming product education and certifications. You can watch here:

The OpenNTF Discord Server  

By Roberto Boccadoro | 6/16/22 8:16 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Matteo Bisi

A few months ago, OpenNTF started testing the waters of moving our Slack community over to Discord. The immediate impetus for this was the message-history limitation of our Slack account: on the free tier, we were losing old messages, but upgrading a community of our size to a paid tier would be cost-prohibitive. Once we started looking into using Discord, we found that it offered much more for us than just avoiding history loss. Discord quickly proved itself a much-better match for our community, with better community controls, better voice/video chat with screen sharing, and just generally a more community-focused approach. Joining Since it’s gone so smoothly in a “soft launch”, we think it’s ready to invite everyone more openly. To join our Discord community, visit:

HCL Updates from Engage  

By Oliver Busse | 5/31/22 11:00 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Though not physically present, I captured some news from Engage which takes places these days, thanks to my fellow peeps who post infos on Twitter. My personal highlights from the OGS and other sessions during the day are:

Let’sConnect interviews at Engage  

By Wannes Rams | 5/31/22 9:59 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

Let’sConnect’s Jan Valdman and Wannes Rams visited the Engage user group event in Bruges last week, our face to face conference in over 2 years. It was a great event with over 300 attendees. You can find the interviews on our Youtube channel

UI Contest 2022 winners  

By Tom Van Aken | 5/31/22 12:25 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

The jury has reached a verdict. The winners for the UI Contest 2022 are known. In this article you will read the key points in the jury’s decision and of course we present this year’s winners.

Engage 2022 Recap  

By Ales Lichtenberg | 5/31/22 12:22 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

After two years again of face-to-face conferences. A great venue in Bruges (Belgium), 3 days of filled program with a great sessions, over 300 participants, 24km at my feet during the conference including transfers to the hotel (according to Apple Watch), two amazing evenings with fellow HCL Ambassadors and other speakers. Great food and especially beer, the number of types and the amount I drank I prefer not to count. Just a great event again.

Engage Recap  

By Keith Brooks | 5/31/22 12:20 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

I can't even begin to tell you all the things we saw and learned, and that was before Engage even started,

My thoughts about Engage 2022  

By Christoph Stoettner | 5/31/22 12:19 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

The last days I attended Engage 2022 in the Bruges Meeting & Convention Centre (BMCC) . The first in person event for HCL Software for two years. Engage 2020 was the last event before the big lockdowns. Meeting so many friends again after so long time felt really awesome, and I enjoyed these days very much. We had good conversations and some Belgium beer to celebrate the reunion.

Observations from the 2022 Engage User Group HCL Technologies conference  

By Sean Cull | 5/31/22 12:17 AM | Business - Events / People | Added by Roberto Boccadoro

The whole FoCul team attended the Engage HCL Technology User Group Conference conference in Bruges this week. It was a fantastic event in lots of ways. Many thanks to Theo and Hilde Heselmans for organising such a professional event for over 300 attendees.

26 points of interest from Engage in Bruges  

By Cormac McCarthy | 5/30/22 1:10 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

All I can see is Wow what I few days in Bruges. I’ve been trying to break my thoughts out into something coherent and really I can do is set out a set of bullet bullet points.

Personal Recap of engage.2022  

By Rainer Brandl | 5/30/22 1:09 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

First of all I want to thank Theo Heselmans and his whole team for making this great event in Bruges possible !! It was very cool to see all the guys from the “Yellow Bubble” again in person. During this conference HCL delivered great news around the HCL Collaboration Solutions and also the corresponding roadmaps ( which cannot be seen from other competitors! It’s almost impossible to name all upcoming features or releases but I’ll try to name the most important ones for me

Restyling With the Young at Engage  

By Hogne B. Pettersen | 5/30/22 1:08 PM | Business - Events / People | Added by Oliver Busse

Once again Theo Heselmans and his lovely wife Hilde pulled off a spectacular event. There was food, there was beer, there was a guided tour of the beautiful City Hall in Bruges, there was beer, there was the opportunity to learn, there was beer, there was the opportunity to teach, there was the opportunity to connect with more people and… oh yeah… there was beer